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Egy nő szemben egy tigrissel, amely egy qr kódból emelkedik ki, körülötte színes qr kódok Instagram és Spotify logókkal, futurisztikus kék háttér előtt.
Evian logo with stylized mountains above the brand name, created in 1925 for the French water brandLEGO logo with rounded bubble letters, designed in 1954 by founder Ole Kirk ChristiansenFerrari logo with iconic prancing horse and bold text, designed by Enzo Ferrari in 1929MrBeast logo featuring a stylized panther head with lightning bolt, designed in 2017 by Jimmy DonaldsonShopify logo featuring shopping bag icon with S and italicized text, introduced in 2013 by ShopifyKellogg's logotype in flowing cursive script, created in 1906 by Will Keith KelloggAdobe logo with stylized A symbol and sans-serif text, designed in 1993 by Marva WarnockAir France logotype with italic stripe, redesigned in 2009 by BrandimageTaco Bell logomark featuring a tilted bell, designed in 2016 by LippincottIKEA logo with bold uppercase letters inside an oval shape, representing the Swedish furniture brand, designed in 1967Jaguar Contract Motoring logo with leaping jaguar symbol and serif text, introduced in 1983UFC Gym logo with italicized text and dynamic lines, introduced in 2009 by UFCEvian logo with stylized mountains above the brand name, created in 1925 for the French water brandLEGO logo with rounded bubble letters, designed in 1954 by founder Ole Kirk ChristiansenFerrari logo with iconic prancing horse and bold text, designed by Enzo Ferrari in 1929MrBeast logo featuring a stylized panther head with lightning bolt, designed in 2017 by Jimmy DonaldsonShopify logo featuring shopping bag icon with S and italicized text, introduced in 2013 by ShopifyKellogg's logotype in flowing cursive script, created in 1906 by Will Keith KelloggAdobe logo with stylized A symbol and sans-serif text, designed in 1993 by Marva WarnockAir France logotype with italic stripe, redesigned in 2009 by BrandimageTaco Bell logomark featuring a tilted bell, designed in 2016 by LippincottIKEA logo with bold uppercase letters inside an oval shape, representing the Swedish furniture brand, designed in 1967Jaguar Contract Motoring logo with leaping jaguar symbol and serif text, introduced in 1983UFC Gym logo with italicized text and dynamic lines, introduced in 2009 by UFC

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