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Kadın, qr koddan çıkan bir kaplana bakıyor; etrafı Instagram ve Spotify logolu renkli qr kodlarla çevrili, fütüristik mavi bir arka plan üzerinde.
Jazeera Paints logo featuring a stylized flower symbol and bilingual text, representing Saudi Arabia's leading paint company, introduced in 1979Ford Otosan logo featuring bold, stylized text with geometric cuts, representing the Turkish automotive manufacturer, redesigned in 2022Kellogg's logotype in flowing cursive script, created in 1906 by Will Keith KelloggCarrefour logo with stylized C symbol in negative space, designed in 1966 by Jacques DanielAdobe logo with stylized A symbol and sans-serif text, designed in 1993 by Marva WarnockDigital Dubai logo featuring a stylized D in both Arabic and English, introduced in 2021LC Waikiki logo featuring bold serif letters 'LCW' above smaller text, representing the Turkish fashion brand, created in 1988Turkish Airlines logo featuring a stylized bird in a circular emblem next to bold text, representing the national airline of Turkey, redesigned in 2010Nokia logo with bold, modern uppercase text, representing the Finnish telecommunications giant, redesigned in 2023IKEA logo with bold uppercase letters inside an oval shape, representing the Swedish furniture brand, designed in 1967Suzuki logo with bold S symbol and uppercase text, introduced in 1958 by Michio SuzukiUFC Gym logo with italicized text and dynamic lines, introduced in 2009 by UFCJazeera Paints logo featuring a stylized flower symbol and bilingual text, representing Saudi Arabia's leading paint company, introduced in 1979Ford Otosan logo featuring bold, stylized text with geometric cuts, representing the Turkish automotive manufacturer, redesigned in 2022Kellogg's logotype in flowing cursive script, created in 1906 by Will Keith KelloggCarrefour logo with stylized C symbol in negative space, designed in 1966 by Jacques DanielAdobe logo with stylized A symbol and sans-serif text, designed in 1993 by Marva WarnockDigital Dubai logo featuring a stylized D in both Arabic and English, introduced in 2021LC Waikiki logo featuring bold serif letters 'LCW' above smaller text, representing the Turkish fashion brand, created in 1988Turkish Airlines logo featuring a stylized bird in a circular emblem next to bold text, representing the national airline of Turkey, redesigned in 2010Nokia logo with bold, modern uppercase text, representing the Finnish telecommunications giant, redesigned in 2023IKEA logo with bold uppercase letters inside an oval shape, representing the Swedish furniture brand, designed in 1967Suzuki logo with bold S symbol and uppercase text, introduced in 1958 by Michio SuzukiUFC Gym logo with italicized text and dynamic lines, introduced in 2009 by UFC

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